: Body / Mind / Spirit, Health / Fitness, Medical, Science, Self-help
: Martin Rossman, Martin Rossman, M.D.
: Harmony/Rodale, paperback
As seen on Public Television! Our brains are hardwired for worry. But for many, worry creates a negative cycle of unnecessary suffering. Now, based on cutting-edge research and proven clinical techniques, Dr. Martin Rossman has developed a program to help you harness the healing power of the mind to invigorate the emotional and intuitive parts of your brain and enhance your problem-solving abilities. You’ll learn to: · Identify worries you can – and can’t – control. · Cultivate the part of your brain that helps you solve problems more creatively. · “Hardwire” yourself for calmness and clarity with guided imagery.Grounded in breakthrough research and wonderfully accessible, The Worry Solution is a powerful and practical guide to living your best life – healthier, happier, and free from unnecessary stress.