A guide for wrestlers on preparing for competition that covers such areas as strength training, injury trends, protecting the knee and shoulder, and progressive overload.
"Conditioning for Basketball" contains everything you need to know about preparing yourself to compete above the rim!" -- Kenny "Sky" Walker 1989 NBA Slam Dunk Champ "This book is must reading for coaches and players of all ages.
This fifth edition of A Practical Approach to Strength Training is an update of the classic book that has been a widely used resource in the fitness industry, selling nearly 35,000 copies.
Offers information on how to develop the human body through exercise, proper nutrition, and weight management. This book features information on basic anatomy, muscular function, and nutrition that illustrates how the human body functions.
Progressive Interval Training ò Scheduling and Organization: Implementing a Year-Round Program ò Conditioning for a Purpose ò Appendix: 24 Interval Workouts.
In addition, this book takes an in-depth look at training that offers individuals from beginner to advanced the opportunity to maximize their workouts in a safe, ef-fective and efficient manner like no other.