While in college, Morton Cooper lost his voice. Two well-meaning professors had advised him to use a deep-throated voice to replace his own nasal-sounding voice. Soon, he developed laryngitis, tired voice, and habitual throat clearing, with his... Google Books
Born: 1931 (age 93 years)
Change your voice, change your life
Modern Techniques of Vocal Rehabilitation
Curing Hopeless Voices: The Strangled Voice (Spasmodic Dysphonia) and Other Voice Problems with Direct Voice Rehabilitation
One Lone Courageous Doctor Curing Strangled Voices (SD) Spasmodic Dysphonia Vs The Entire Medical Establishment Guaranteeing No Cures Part 2: The Medical Mystery Solved by a Doctor's Natural Voice Treatment: Direct Voice Rehabilitation
One Lone Courageous Doctor Curing Strangled Voices (SD) Spasmodic Dysphonia Part 1: One Lone Courageous Doctor Curing Strangled Voices (SD) Spasmodic Dysphonia Vs The New York Times and the Entire Medical Establishment Part 1
Pet Talk