subject:"Love poetry" from
Tupac Shakur's most intimate and honest thoughts were uncovered only after his death with the instant classic The Rose That Grew from Concrete.
subject:"Love poetry" from
Sacred and secular poems of the Creek Tribe.
subject:"Love poetry" from
The collection also includes a number of extraordinarily and passionate and luminous love poems."--Back cover.
subject:"Love poetry" from
What accounts for her perennial fascination? What is her function—in poems and for writers? Lawrence Lipking suggests many possibilities.
subject:"Love poetry" from
As such, the book does not require any commentary.
subject:"Love poetry" from
A classic study of the allegorical power of love in literature, traced through the medieval and Renaissance periods.
subject:"Love poetry" from
Ashuntantang is an extraordinary weaver of words who showcases vivid pictures that compete with 3D simulation.
subject:"Love poetry" from
Expatriation and rising up to find a home within yourself. this is the recipe of life said my mother as she held me in her arms as i wept think of those flowers you plant in the garden each year they will teach you that people too must wilt ...