After losing his wife and daughter from some thugs addicted to a new and powerful drug, Valkyrie, Max Payne is left to lead his personal crusade by infiltrating the criminal organization of the Puncinello family.
The noble hero endures many adventures of romantic horror in order to obtain his rightful heritage, and the story concludes with a dramatic day of retribution.
Miss him at your peril." - Blake Crouch, Wayward Pines "Like Stephen King, he knows how to summon serious scares." - Bentley Little, The Mailman AFTER: FIRST LIGHT The end is just the beginning.
Un ex sottufficiale dell’esercito, esperto in esplosivi, maestro di giochi pirotecnici. È avviato verso una serena e godibile vecchiaia, trascorsa tra casa e bottega, tra una sperimentazione da campo per nuovi temi pirici ed una ...
Scarlett Lang is a hit woman turned Interpol agent. When her hard work pays off and she's given the chance to work undercover with London's biggest drug lord, Armand Sayer, she can't help being ecstatic about it.