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subject:"Civilization, Classical" from
Middle schoolers never had it so good! Complete your ancient history collection with this series for students in grades 6 -8.
subject:"Civilization, Classical" from
First published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
subject:"Civilization, Classical" from
Jeremy Mynott explores the similarities and surprising differences between ancient perceptions of the natural world and our own.
subject:"Civilization, Classical" from
Überblicksband zur Spätantike für angehende Geschichtslehrer/innen In diesem Band wird die politische Geschichte der Spätantike ergänzt um die Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte dieser Epoche.
subject:"Civilization, Classical" from
In a collection of sixteen literary and historical essays, classics scholar Peter Green covers a wide range of subjects--from the mysteries of the Delphic Oracle to Victorian pederasty--and reveals his serious concern that we are losing the ...
subject:"Civilization, Classical" from
Beinahe sechzig Wissenschaftler der (Alt-) Historie, Altorientalistik, Archaologie, Klassischen Philologie, der Sportwissenschaft, Rechtswissenschaft und der Soziologie aus elf Landern folgen in diesem Band den Spuren des renommierten ...
subject:"Civilization, Classical" from
One of the major works of twentieth-century anthropological theory, written by one of the discipline’s most important, complex, and controversial figures, has not been in print for several years.
subject:"Civilization, Classical" from
This book explores how public space in Republican Rome was an unstable category marked, experienced, and defined by multiple actors and audiences.
subject:"Civilization, Classical" from
In this 4th edition adjustments have been made to the text and the notes have been revised in order to take account of advances in scholarship over the last twenty years.
subject:"Civilization, Classical" from
A collection of the finest and most important writing of the Roman period, this title gives the reader access to a diversity of texts that shaped Roman thinking and provided the foundations of Western culture. 49 halftones.