This handbook is the first to cover the entire field, encompassing both theoretical and practical aspects of traditional as well as modern digital methods and their history.
... in author in Chapters XIV . and XV . , and believe that , if purpose which ... Bryant as ' the richest poet in America , " and gives him a fortune of ... Jacob Abbott . Edmond About .. William T. Adams . A. B. Alcott .... T. B. ...
Jacob Chester Chamberlain. 109. HYMNS . ( Privately printed . ) 12mo ... IN AUTHOR'S AUTO- GRAPH . III . THE BRYANT HOMESTEAD - BOOK , by the Idle ... BRYANT . By Geo . W. Curtis . 8vo , original wrappers , uncut , pp . 64 . New ...
... IN AUTHOR'S AUTO- GRAPH . 111. THE BRYANT HOMESTEAD - BOOK , by the Idle Scholar [ Julian Hatfield ] . Illustrated . 8vo , original cloth , gilt edges . New York : G. P. Putnam and Son , 1870 112. A DISCOURSE on the Life , Character and ...
... In author of " The Administration of Jacob Leisler " ( 1848 ) in Sparks's " American Biography . " 1847 he delivered ... Bryant . - Their grandmother , Sarah , phi- lanthropist , b . in Newark , N. J. , 8 Sept. , 1742 , was a ...