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Henri Joly (1866–1945) was a French inventor and businessman. He developed early versions of motion picture film, cameras, and projectors.
French inventor. One of the early French researchers, who, with Lumičre, de Bedts and a few others, conceived perforated cinema film as early as 1895.
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Legend In Japanese Art; A Description Of Historical Episodes, Legendary Characters, Folk-Lore Myths, Religious Symbolism. by Henri L Joly.
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Looking for books by Henri Joly? See all books authored by Henri Joly, including The Psychology Of The Saints, and Les Moralistes Franaais Des Xviie, ...
Henri Joly has 113 books on Goodreads with 68 ratings. Henri Joly's most popular book is Legend in Japanese Art.
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Sir Henri-Gustave Joly de Lotbiničre, KCMG, PC (December 5, 1829 – November 16, 1908) lawyer, businessman and politician served as the fourth premier of ...
Henri Joly. Director: Une femme au bain. Henri Joly is known for Une femme au bain (1896) and Mondaine au bain (1899)., a leading platform for French-language scientific publications, aims to promote the dissemination of high-quality research while fostering the ...
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Henri Joly here surveys the legendary and religious characters depicted in a variety of Japanese arts and artifacts and summarizes their stories. The Meiji ...