... Naravane. will spend a two-day visit on the University of Maine campus Nov. 8 and 9 lecturing nn modern Indian thought, and Hie confrontation of East and West. Dr. Naravane, who Is professor and head of the philosophy department at the ...
... Naravane will give a slide presentation on the Taj Mahal, Monday at 7:30 P.M. Recently of the Univerity of Allahabad, India, Naravane is an expert on Rabindranath Tagore and will lecture on Tagore to several classes. He also will be ...
... Naravane, noted Indian philosopher and author, will discuss "India Today" at 7:30 p.m. in Given Auditorium of the Bixler Art and Music Center. Prof. Naravane was initially appointed to the Colby faculty in 3963 after teaching at ...
... Naravane has authored a number of significant books in literature and philosophy, including "Modern Indian Thought." a philosophic survey of Indian thought from the end of the eighteenth century to our own age. and "Rabmdranath Tagore ...
... Naravane will speak on "Politics and the Spirit of Modern India" today at 8 p.m. in the South Meeting Room, third floor, Newcomb Hall. Naravane will also speak on "The Taj Mahal in Indo-Islamic Aesthetics" tomorrow at 3 p.m. in Cabell ...
Naravane expelled From Congress. HIGH COMMAND'S DECISION. MEW DELHI, Feb. M. The Congress High Comm&nd has {Mama Dr. T. B. Naravane, for- mei Deputy Minuter of Bomrmy, nun primary membership of the Ctwsresfl for three years as a ...
... Naravane, visiting professor of religious studies, Occidental College, and former Colby faculty member: "The Concept of Nature in East and West." Dunn Lounge, Runnals Union, 7 p.m.. March 21 — Lecture, Viswanath S. Naravane, visiting ...
... Naravane. professor of literature I' nt Allahabaa India Jan 13 • 'Western Europe before the ( iermans and ( 'elts > More about the Old Illy nans and the 'Pennsylvania Germans' Dr Calvin E. Sehildknecht, pnilessnr nt chemistry. Jan Hi ...
MA In Uriel. WATERVILLE — A vislHng professor of philosophy, V.S. Naravane of India, will open p parents weekend Friday at Colby College with a speech on "The Idea of Freedom In the E East and West." The lecture is schedulel s for Given ...
... Naravane. professor of Literature. Uni versity of Allahabad, India. "Rabmdranath Tagore Today." Jan 13 — Calvin E SchiHknecht. professor of chemistry. " Western Europe Before the Germans and Celts (More about the Old Illyrians and the ...